Senin, 05 November 2007

assignment 2


It was ceremonial when the students, lecturer, and the guest mingle to join the multicultural event. In the other hand, unpredictable situation occurred. A mid night-yesterday (10/30), was the tragic situation in President University history.

In front of the wonderful stage, student brawl was happened. Mutual mocking, throwing the stone, hitting, and stabbing were occurred as its symbol.

Inter-batch conflict alleged to be the trigger said Mr. Sendy Widjaja, Student Affair of that college. “The conflict between students batch 2005 and 2006 had happened before the last tragedy. As mediation, by the meeting between both of them, we attempted to decrease their emotion. In short, they can’t accept it.” The reason he estimated, the defeated of student candidates batch 2005 in the Student Council Election 2007 few weeks ago.

President of Student Council who recently elected, Anthony (19) gave apologies to all victims and any side that felt disappointed about the horrible accident. He didn’t know well why it occurred. “I’m really sorry. I’m ready to step down from my position if it’ll solve the problems.”

Mrs. Erma, a woman felt depression when she looking her daughter has passed away. It was Lola (4) who has poor body with the blood flow from her stomach. She is the victim of wrong cartridge by policeman who tried to stop a tragedy. She died before the medical teams attend to the annual event.

She gave some illustration about the tragedy:

When the event opened, some students were mocking each others. She thought to be joking till the stone arrive to her head. People in the back, in the left and right side was run to rescue themselves.

College students bring any kind of weapon and killed the others. The incredibly stage was collapse in the parking area of Resto Plaza.

Police came lately otherwise their office is near with the location. Dramatically, the crowds were fright and hysteria at the moment. Police gave alert shoots to them. Lola therefore is the victims of wrong cartridge by policeman who attempted to stop a panic condition.

“Lola is my daughter only. She died really in young old,” said Mrs. Erma that felt suppressed.

Beside Lola, Daniel (19) and Nadia (21) who died as muted witness of the tragedy; 10- students, 6- lectures, 2- staffs survived by wounded in their body.

“To make sure that no other reason why student brawl happened, the observation will continue this case besides the mistake of his subordinate,” Poerwanto, Cikarang Police leading man said. “I’ll take certain action in order to decrease the case possibility occurs again.”

Senin, 22 Oktober 2007

untuk kuntum demokrasi

dada busung terbungkus asap militer
jejak tegas meremukkan tulang
tikaman terlihat pada jemari kasar sang junta
daun2 mengeletup tak peduli arus

kata: ingin BEBAS…
pada ukiran nisan tengkorak abu2
terbias peluh, bulir, kristal membeku
pekat pengorbanan menagalir, berlari mengejar
ke samudra

demokrasi: akankah?

Mimpi Buruk Than Swe

Kekerasan junta militer Myanmar seakan menjadi sebuah tamparan panas bagi dunia. Bagaimana mungkin Negara asal Sekjen PBB dimasa silam menjadi bergejolak seperti ini? Apakah demokrasi adalah sesuatu yang dianggap tabu dan kedamaian seolah bunga tidur belaka?
Barisan biksu jubah merah seakan tak mempedulikan jiwa, menanti di depan singgasana Than Swe yang tetap bersikeras dalam pendiriannya. Linangan air mata mengalir bersama bulir pekat merah bukan rintangan bagi rakyat menuntut kebebasan. Pengawasan yang dilakukan junta militer telah memenjarakan seluruh aspek kehidupan ruang gerak rakyat sipil.
Kekuatan media massa yang harusnya menjadi senjata ampuh untuk melawan sang penguasa juga tak elak dikontrol. Bagi masyarakat setempat yang mencoba melakukan orasi pembangkangan pastinya menjadi duri dalam daging bagi pemerintah, tak segan untuk disingkirkan melalui serangkaian siksaan.
Melihat kondisi seperti ini, Dewan Keamanan PBB tidak tinggal diam, Duta Perdamaian untuk Myanmar, Gambari pun diutus meski adanya perbaikan yang significant masih dicoba. Berbagai jalan ditempuh demi melunakkan sang Junta, mulai dari kecaman dunia dan masyarakat Myanmar sendiri hingga Dewan Keamanan PBB turun tangan, namun sang junta masih bersikukuh, ini adalah jalan terbaik bagi Myanmar dan masa depannya.
Indonesia sebagai anggota ASEAN juga tak berdiam diri, protes pun menalir meski tak digubris juga. Kondisi ini tak berbeda jauh dengan dunia politik di Indonesia selama kuran lebih satu dasawarsa silam, ketika Soeharto masih tegak di posisinya. Mempertahankan posisi dengan beragam cara ialah halal dalam kotornya dunia politik. Sepenuhnya yang dilakukan junta militer Myanmar dan antek Soeharto tak ada bedanya, menindas siapa pun yang menuntut keadaan demokrasi. Bedanya dengan Indonesia, ketika seluruh rakyat bermufakat meminta Soeharto turun di Gedung MPR/DPR ia pun menurutinya, sedangkan Than Swe masih duduk tenang memimpin negara Seribu Pagoda tersebut.
Hal yang terjadi sampai saat ini tentunya merupakan batu sandungan bagi Than Swe mewujudkan Myanmar seperti yang diinginkannya, demokrasi baginya hanya sebuah kisah dongeng. Tuntutan biksu dan rakyat merupakan bagian yang tak terpisahkan dalam sejarah panjang Myanmar kelak. Mungkinkah damai menjadi jawaban bagi penduduk setempat atau mimpi buruk Than Swe berakhir dalam genggamannya?

Kamis, 18 Oktober 2007

assignment 1

Thursday- Jakarta: When we see around our environment, many children sell a lot of tears in the central way and scream through the world to have mercy on coin. They are victims of kidnapping. If you have a child, you’d never worried after the invention of electronic device anti kidnapping for children by an old man, Prof. Andi Mararangeng, SH,. M. Sc.“It’s very great to minimize the criminality,” said Sutanto, Police President of Republic Indonesia in the welcome speech of Research Night.

nb: sorry telat sir